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E@H Diverse Graphs
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Diverse graphs made for Einstein@Home

GPU Load g1 - g3 where used here in : http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_thread.php?id=8614

These and all other graph will be used in a futher thread in this forum within short time.

FFT dtu PkN.jpg
FFT dtu PkN.jpg
Autocorr Td PH.jpg
Autocorr Td PH.jpg
Autocorr Td PkN.jpg
Autocorr Td PkN.jpg
Crosscorr dtu - GPU PH.jpg
Crosscorr dtu - GPU PH.jpg
Crosscorr dtu - GPU PkN.jpg
Crosscorr dtu - GPU PkN.jpg
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